FASHION360 is a pioneering community at the intersection of fashion, circularity, technology, and innovation. Founded by industry leaders Trimco Group, Kezzler, and TOMRA, our mission is to help support the fashion industry on the sustainability journey by providing:
- unprecedented insights into the lifecycle of a garment -
- the tools to help maximize the life of every garment -
- help build a culture of designing for recycling -
- a safe space to discuss the challenges we all face -


At FASHION360, we envision a fashion industry that is stylish, innovative, and profitable, but also responsible. We believe in a future where fashion brands have a deep understanding of the origins, life cycle, and potential for renewal of the garments they create. Our goal is to help support the creation of a global ecosystem where circularity is in the threads of fashion.


FASHION360 is more than its participants; it is a collaborative community. We provide a space for fashion industry professionals to come together. We foster open discussions and knowledge sharing, creating a safe space to address technology, partnering sustainability challenges and solutions.


The law of change says that everything is in continuous transformation. Nothing stays exactly as it is. Fashion is in continuous change, but it requires everyone’s effort to make sure we shift it in the right direction. For this reason, Fashion360 welcomes fashion brands, industry experts, consumers, and anyone passionate about sustainable fashion to join us on this transformative journey. Our goal is to unite innovators from across the industry and throughout the value chain as we work together to create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry.


Our initiative is vital because it tackles the pressing issues of our time. By promoting circularity, traceability, and innovation in the fashion industry, we are working towards reducing its environmental impact, promoting ethical practices, and aiming to create a better future for all stakeholders.


FASHION360 is more than fashion; it’s about the future. Join us in shaping a fashion industry that respects our planet and nurtures creativity, innovation, and circularity
For inquiries and partnerships, please reach out to



This is a gathering to help each other. No more, no less.This is your place. It is led by you. Remember the feeling when the teacher left the classroom, and the energy went through the roof? That is the FASHION360 vibe.FASHION360 is an optimistic, insightful, and energy-giving community that takes a proactive, positive approach to sustainability in fashion.This is a friendly place to share hope, dreams, and ideas. It’s not a space for cynicism and bitterness. If you can’t commit to that, please don’t come. Let’s always be kind.FASHION360 is in beta. Everything is not perfect right now. We will probably try lots of things before we get to the place we most like. Despite that, every event will be the best we can possibly make it. No compromises.If you give more than you take, you will love FASHION360 and it will love you.

© 2024 FASHION360